Users' Forum

About the problem with the inquiry form

The inquiry form on our website had been experiencing problems from the end of April to the beginning of May. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the delay.

Goals for this year by Fukuma

This year’s sales goal is to meet face-to-face with overseas agents and customers who cannot meet due to the spread of COVID-19.I will do my best to communicate while observing the other person’s reaction and earn their trust.For that rea≫ more

New Year’s Greetings from the Sales Department

Happy new year.I would like to extend my congratulations to all of you for welcoming the New Year with a cheerful heart.Thank you very much for all your hard work during the last year.We sincerely ask for your continued support in 2023 as well.Please≫ more

Tidy up activity in the company! !

We have been working on tidying up activities once a month since September this year.The purpose is to improve work efficiency, improve productivity and quality, and work safely and securely. This time, we achieved “visualization” by removing the doo≫ more

Development of a high polymer thermistor

A high polymer thermistor was developed by Yokota Laboratoryat the Graduate School of Tokyo University.The paper was provided by Mr. Okutani, Researcher.For the development our electrospinning system NANON has been employed. ⇒Article