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Guests from China Medical University visited our company!


Today, Dr. Yan, Mr. Chen and Mr. Wu from China Medical University visited our company to see our equipment!
They are currently conducting research to promote the use of stable wound dressings using Chinese herbal medicines.

They were trained in the operation of our NES equipment, which is in the process of being purchased, and were also able to see the actual Handy Spinner, which is expected to be utilized further.
They were also highly interested in the spinning operation and requested us to give a demonstration of the Handy Spinner in front of teachers in Taiwan next time.

For lunch, we took them to GAGA, a local specialty, and also took them to Nyoirinji (Frog Temple), a well-known sightseeing destination abroad.
We received a thank-you note saying, ‘It was a very fulfilling day, where we could enjoy everything to the full – work, sightseeing and good food.’