Users' Forum

Southeast University

We visited the Southeast University in Nanjing, Jiangsu.  A postdoctoral fellow, Fu, and a second-year research student, Kong uses NANON every day and are researching waterproof filtration nanofibers using PVDF/DMF. Also, they said that many people u≫ more

Jiangsu University

We visited the Jiangsu University in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu. Here in Jiangsu University, researchers are developing separators of batteries made of nanofibers (PVDF/DMF) using our electrospinning system NANON. We pray for their success!!

Development of a high polymer thermistor

A high polymer thermistor was developed by Yokota Laboratoryat the Graduate School of Tokyo University.The paper was provided by Mr. Okutani, Researcher.For the development our electrospinning system NANON has been employed. ⇒Article

Soochow University

We visited the Soochow University in Suzhou, Jiansu. Researchers over here are developing separators of batteries made of nanofibers using our electrospinning system NANON. Hope their studies will be successful.